Summary: Music as Embodiment of Belief in Post-Reformation Communities

Andrew A. Cashner, PhD

Th 2022/03/17, MUSC222 Week 9

Roundtable expectations

Choose two examples in which people in Europe and its colonies used musical performance to embody their fundamental beliefs about the world. For each example, discuss the following questions. Write one paragraph about each example.

  1. What kind of community created and used this music?
    • This might include such distinctions as Catholic or Protestant, wealthy or poor, royal/noble or common, gender, ethnicity, geographical location, etc.
    • Highlight one core value (or belief, or doctrine) of that community that this musical example demonstrates and discuss how the music expresses, embodies, or promotes that value, paying attention to a few specific details of the musical sound and structure.
  2. What do you think we can learn from studying religious music of this period that would be valuable for our societies today? (1-2 paragraphs)
  3. List one or two questions you would like to discuss with the class.

Music in communities of belief: Roman Catholic

Roman Catholic, continued

Music and Catholic worldview

Protestant communities: Lutherans

Other Protestants

J. S. Bach (1685–1750)