Andrew Cashner

Building Software


Arca musarithmica

A device for automatic music composition from 1650

Engraving of the Arca musarithmica, from Athanasius Kircher, 'Musurgia universalis' (1650)


A web app to build and share timeline quiz games

Screenshot of showing a timeline of history fact cards
  • Front end in Typescript with React.js framework
  • Back end in Python with Django framework, MySQL database

lirio and ly2mei

Tools for digital music editing with Lilypond

Snippet of music notation produced with the lirio library lirio on GitHub


A digital authoring system for academic writers

Snippet of XHTML source code
  • Uses XSLT to generate print (PDF via LaTeX) and web (HTML and CSS) output from the same XHTML source with automatic citations, bibliography
  • Used for a digital publication project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
xmlauthor on GitHub

Research Publications